
NEW TO SINGING WITH THE CHORALE? Touch base with our director, James Knox!


  • your checkbook (NO CASH, PLEASE) made payable to COCC with your COCC ID number written on the memo line,
  • a black three ring binder, or similar music folder,
  • pencil,
  • a refillable water bottle, and
  • if you use the Keurig, a travel mug (let’s cut down on our waste!)

One credit tuition+fees at COCC: $140.25 (plus $25.00 Application Fee if first-time COCC student). If you bring a check to registration, please write your COCC ID on the memo line.

(One credit + fees: $121.00 + $1.50 + $0.25 + $17.50=$140.25)

Students 65 years of age and older are eligible for a tuition waiver.  Review the 65+ Tuition Waiver policy to see if you can benefit, then apply at the Chorale registration event (first class meeting.)  NOTE: Returning 65+ singers (who’ve already registered as 65+) only need to bring their checkbook! Easy peasy! (Just remember to write your COCC ID number on the memo line of the check and make the check payable to COCC.)

(65+ waiver fees: $1.50 + $0.25 + $17.50=$19.25)

New to COCC? We can help you through the process. We’ll have an additional form for you and there is a one-time $25 application fee.

Concert Attire

  • Holiday Magic (December): Chorale attire – Tuxes or Chorale outfit!
  • The Cascade Chorale Presents the Classics (March): Chorale attire – Tuxes or Chorale outfit!
  • Pops Concert (April-May): Something else!

Everything Else

Concert Dates:

  • March 15 & 16, 2024

Sheet music:

  • loaned from the Chorale, to be returned at last concert

Break-time refreshments at rehearsals:

  • donations appreciated

Other items as per course syllabus