When you donate, please be sure to give us your
email address so that we can thank you properly!
Give the Gift of Song was established by the Cascade Chorale Association to encourage its choristers, our audiences, and the Central Oregon community to assist with financial support for Cascade Chorale and Jazz Central. We value and appreciate your past and future contributions to this program!
Why does your donation matter? We are immensely grateful for COCC’s support in terms of our Director, James Knox, and our rehearsal space. All other expenditures (i.e., concert venue, musicians, scholarships, etc.), however, are funded solely by the Cascade Chorale Association through Give the Gift of Song and other sponsorship opportunities. These gifts are a key factor, allowing us to present our late-winter and spring concerts for FREE to our audiences! Our three annual concerts are a grand endeavor in terms of logistics and finances, and simply wouldn’t be possible without additional support from our incredible donors like you!
Thank you for investing in this worthwhile endeavor. Donations are solely used for expenses related to the Cascade Chorale Association and are tax deductible to the extent of the law. (Tax ID# 26-3531213)

For information about our Sponsorship program ($1500 or larger),
please contact Marline Ptacnik at
To make an ONLINE donation:
- Click on the ‘Donate’ button (note: a PayPal account is NOT required),
- Enter a donation amount,
- Enter your Name(s) in the +Enter name(s) or ‘Anonymous’ field [this is how it will appear in our program book],
- Select: ‘Have a PayPal account? Log in‘ OR continue to ‘Donate with a debit or credit card,’
- Complete the remainder of the form NOTE: your contact information will only be used to thank you profusely and we’ll enter your membership level for you after your transaction is complete.
Click HERE for form if you prefer to mail in your donation.
Please send to:
Cascade Chorale Association
P.O. Box 2243
Bend, OR 97709
Thank you for your support!
Shop at Fred Meyer and support the Chorale!
Sign up (and sign your friends up 😉 at and choose CASCADE CHORALE ASSOC as your charity of choice!